Wenn du Lust auf eine familiäre,
kleine Praxis hast, wo das
Miteinander an erster Stelle steht,
dann bist du bei uns genau richtig.
Wir suchen eine/n Physio, die/der
Lust auf ganzheitliche Therapie hat
und mit Engagement und Leidenschaft
dabei ist. An erster Stelle steht
bei uns die Motivation dem
Patienten mit unserem Wissen helfen
zu wollen, egal wie (darüber
lässt sich immer diskutieren :)
Wir haben bereits zwei ganz tolle
Praxen in Hamburg, haben vor einem
Jahr in Wedel, direkt gegenübe...
kleine Praxis hast, wo das
Miteinander an erster Stelle steht,
dann bist du bei uns genau richtig.
Wir suchen eine/n Physio, die/der
Lust auf ganzheitliche Therapie hat
und mit Engagement und Leidenschaft
dabei ist. An erster Stelle steht
bei uns die Motivation dem
Patienten mit unserem Wissen helfen
zu wollen, egal wie (darüber
lässt sich immer diskutieren :)
Wir haben bereits zwei ganz tolle
Praxen in Hamburg, haben vor einem
Jahr in Wedel, direkt gegenübe...
Habt ihr evtl Vorschläge / Ideen für die Therapie bei Erwachsenen Patienten mit Trisomie 21?
Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar.
Gefällt mir
Gefällt mir
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Lars van Ravenzwaaij schrieb:
@Anonymer Teilnehmer Was hat er dann für welche Beschwerden/Problemen? Die Trisomie 21 für sich stellt keinen Grund da im physiotherapeutisch zu behandeln
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hgb schrieb:
welche kognitiven Einschränkungen bestehen denn?
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pt ani schrieb:
Diagnose, Befund? Je nach kognitiver Einschränkung (das geht ja von - bis) so wie immer bis hin zu spielerisch. Hast Du den Pat. schon gesehen?
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Papa Alpaka schrieb:
@pt ani eben dies. Einer Chromosomenvariation kommen wir physiotherapeutisch nicht bei.
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mimikri schrieb:
Aus den Erfahrungen, die ich mit diesen Patienten gemacht habe: Koordination und Gleichgewicht sind immer nötig und geben gleichzeitig viele Möglichkeiten, gemeinsam zu agieren.
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Sarah Gerbert schrieb:
Mögliche angeborene Herzfehler (ca.50% der Betroffenen) im Fokus haben!
Was brauchst du? Übungsideen? Therapieziele?
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massu schrieb:
@Anonymer Teilnehmer großes Problem Hüftex und Beinachsen. Meist globale Hypotonie.
Was brauchst du? Übungsideen? Therapieziele?
The Effects of Resistance Training on Physical Fitness and Neuromotor-Cognitive Functions in Adults With Down Syndrome
Emily M Post 1 2 , William J Kraemer 2 3 , Madison L Kackley 2 , Lydia K Caldwell 2 4 , Jeff S Volek 2 , Barbara N Sanchez 2 , Brian C Focht 2 , Robert U Newton 3 , Keijo Häkkinen 5 , Carl M Maresh 2
PMID: 36189007
PMCID: PMC9397808
DOI: 10.3389/fresc.2022.927629
Adults with Down syndrome are an underserved population at high risk for a host of different pathologies from aging and lack of activity.
Purpose: To examine the effects of a 10-week resistance training program on measures of motor behavior, cognitive function, mood, and physical fitness.
Methods: Participants (n = 11) were men and women clinically diagnosed with Down syndrome (age: 25.8 ± 6.4 years; height: 151.5 ± 8.3 cm; weight: 67.5 ± 13.0 kg; IQ: 58.3 ± 19.7 units). After familiarization of testing procedures, subjects performed The Arizona Cognitive Test Battery for Down Syndrome, TGMD-2, lower and upper body strength assessments, and body composition via DXA testing, while parental guardians completed cognitive and mood survey assessments (Cognitive Scale for Down Syndrome, Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Function, NiSonger Child Behavior Rating Form, Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised, Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire, Social Communication Questionnaire, and Mood and Feelings Questionnaire) at pre and post 10 weeks of periodized resistance training.
Results: Significant (P ≤ 0.05) improvements in locomotor skills and object control skills were observed post-training. Both locomotor skills (e.g., sprint, gallop, leaping, broad jump) and object control skills (e.g., baseball catch, underhand roll, basketball dribble) were all significantly improved. Facets of cognitive performance significantly improved, specifically executive function and visuospatial working memory capacity, and frontal lobe activity. Mood disturbances significantly decrease. All aspects of physical strength and endurance were improved, i.e., leg press, bench press, sit-ups, push-ups, and chair sit-to-stand post-training. Lean tissue mass was significantly increased post-training.
Conclusion: This study dramatically demonstrates that life enhancements for individuals with Down syndrome are achievable with a properly designed resistance training program.
Keywords: Trisomy 21; cognition; exercise; motor skill; special populations; strength.
Copyright © 2022 Post, Kraemer, Kackley, Caldwell, Volek, Sanchez, Focht, Newton, Häkkinen and Maresh.
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Geert Jeuring schrieb:
Den ganzen Artikel hier: Link
The Effects of Resistance Training on Physical Fitness and Neuromotor-Cognitive Functions in Adults With Down Syndrome
Emily M Post 1 2 , William J Kraemer 2 3 , Madison L Kackley 2 , Lydia K Caldwell 2 4 , Jeff S Volek 2 , Barbara N Sanchez 2 , Brian C Focht 2 , Robert U Newton 3 , Keijo Häkkinen 5 , Carl M Maresh 2
PMID: 36189007
PMCID: PMC9397808
DOI: 10.3389/fresc.2022.927629
Adults with Down syndrome are an underserved population at high risk for a host of different pathologies from aging and lack of activity.
Purpose: To examine the effects of a 10-week resistance training program on measures of motor behavior, cognitive function, mood, and physical fitness.
Methods: Participants (n = 11) were men and women clinically diagnosed with Down syndrome (age: 25.8 ± 6.4 years; height: 151.5 ± 8.3 cm; weight: 67.5 ± 13.0 kg; IQ: 58.3 ± 19.7 units). After familiarization of testing procedures, subjects performed The Arizona Cognitive Test Battery for Down Syndrome, TGMD-2, lower and upper body strength assessments, and body composition via DXA testing, while parental guardians completed cognitive and mood survey assessments (Cognitive Scale for Down Syndrome, Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Function, NiSonger Child Behavior Rating Form, Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised, Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire, Social Communication Questionnaire, and Mood and Feelings Questionnaire) at pre and post 10 weeks of periodized resistance training.
Results: Significant (P ≤ 0.05) improvements in locomotor skills and object control skills were observed post-training. Both locomotor skills (e.g., sprint, gallop, leaping, broad jump) and object control skills (e.g., baseball catch, underhand roll, basketball dribble) were all significantly improved. Facets of cognitive performance significantly improved, specifically executive function and visuospatial working memory capacity, and frontal lobe activity. Mood disturbances significantly decrease. All aspects of physical strength and endurance were improved, i.e., leg press, bench press, sit-ups, push-ups, and chair sit-to-stand post-training. Lean tissue mass was significantly increased post-training.
Conclusion: This study dramatically demonstrates that life enhancements for individuals with Down syndrome are achievable with a properly designed resistance training program.
Keywords: Trisomy 21; cognition; exercise; motor skill; special populations; strength.
Copyright © 2022 Post, Kraemer, Kackley, Caldwell, Volek, Sanchez, Focht, Newton, Häkkinen and Maresh.
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Problem beschreiben
Anonymer Teilnehmer schrieb:
Hallo Kollegen
Habt ihr evtl Vorschläge / Ideen für die Therapie bei Erwachsenen Patienten mit Trisomie 21?
Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar.
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